In the Elements - From Capertee to Melbourne

As I pack framed paintings, easels and glamorous outfits to perform with my pianist friend, Elyane in Melbourne, I am still basking in the glow of a wonderful weekend in nature, painting and making new friends.

The Capertee Valley turned out in all its majesty for us. Everyone embraced the challenges and delights of plein air painting - including the flitting of birds, the shifting shadows, peeling bark and gusty wind - all with a brush or palette knife in hand!

I was delighted to lead an enthusiastic group of painters in plein air painting, walking, meditation and yoga. We laughed and struggled together, ate delicious food and bathed in the beauty of the mountains of Glen Davis. Painting in the elements is intense - it requires grit, focus and courage to be bold and take risks. As you can see from the pics below, the men and women who came along, participated wholeheartedly and the overwhelming feedback was, ‘When can we do this again?’

Now it’s time to turn my attention south - towards the recital series with Elyane Laussade entitled Evoking the Elements. This project has been a long time in the pipeline… Each painting was conceived through many hours of attentive listening. Like cooking a new recipe, I worked in faith, trusting that the result of my labours would delight the tastebuds. Combining flavours, like fragrant spices, I have painted fire, craggy mountain peaks and night skies, searching for an essence - the ‘right’ depiction of the energy and dynamics of the music.

Debussy, Ravel, Chaminade and Chopin are just some of the composers in the repertoire. The paintings will be projected on a large screen and displayed on easels beside Elyane’s piano. With three performances in Melbourne and another in Castlemaine, this promises to be an experience to remember!

Tickets for the concerts on 12, 17 and 20 October are still available. You can book directly with Elyane at 0408 626 808.

Stay tuned for dates of the 2025 Autumn Capertee Painting Retreat and if you want to secure a spot, please let me know by email.