Mountain Mass, West MacDonnell Ranges, 2024, oil on board, 30 x 60 cm
Within this distant range lies the remarkable Ellery Creek Big Hole. A pristine and deep waterhole nestled in the gorge, that in heat and drought offers visitors a welcome refuge. On this afternoon a stiff breeze whipped clouds across the cobalt sky, a rare sight while I was painting in Central Australia.
Framed in Oak
Within this distant range lies the remarkable Ellery Creek Big Hole. A pristine and deep waterhole nestled in the gorge, that in heat and drought offers visitors a welcome refuge. On this afternoon a stiff breeze whipped clouds across the cobalt sky, a rare sight while I was painting in Central Australia.
Framed in Oak
Within this distant range lies the remarkable Ellery Creek Big Hole. A pristine and deep waterhole nestled in the gorge, that in heat and drought offers visitors a welcome refuge. On this afternoon a stiff breeze whipped clouds across the cobalt sky, a rare sight while I was painting in Central Australia.
Framed in Oak