Exhibitions & Events

On Sacred Ground

Paintings of the MacDonnell Ranges and the Blue Mountains

Braemar Gallery

5 June - 6 July 2025

Opening Drinks Saturday 14 June, 2 - 4 pm

Thursday - Sunday | 10 am - 4 pm 104 Macquarie Rd, Springwood NSW 2777

Slumbering Self, 2024, oil on canvas, 91.5 x 152 cm

Artist Talk and Demonstration

Sunday 29 June, 1 - 3 pm at Braemar Gallery

Join me for an artist talk that explores the concepts and methods of my work on display. Learn about how I approach painting in the studio and outdoors, as I demonstrate the skills and techniques of landscape oil painting. This event is free, but numbers are limited.

Reserve Your Tickets Here

Sunlit Face, Emily Gap, 2024, oil on board, 30 x 60 cm

Passage, Wiggley's Waterhole, Alice Springs, 2024, oil on board, 30 x 60 cm

On Sacred Ground, presents plein-air paintings made during a residency in the Red Centre and larger studio paintings. The works invite urban audiences to consider the desert’s mystical, sacred and environmental importance. The Red Centre holds a unique position in the psyche and mythology of all Australians. These paintings enable you to journey with me as I connect with nature and explore the majesty and extremes of the desert.

View My Paintings in Your Own Home


Into the Desert

Stella Downer Fine Art

19 November – 21 December 2024

Standing Still, 2024, oil on board, 30 x 60 cm

Evoking the Elements

A Synergy of Music and Paintings by Pianist Elyane Laussade and Artist Corinne Loxton

Lassaude Studio, Melbourne

12 - 20 October 2024

Autumn II, after Chaminade, 2024, oil on board, 22 x 30 cm

Wonderful ephemeral study of clouds and the elements, coupled with gorgeous music
— M. Higginbotham, Melbourne

Colours of the Country

Landscape Paintings by Corinne Loxton and Owen Thompson

Everglades House and Garden Gallery

7 - 28 Sept 2024

Late Thursday, 2024, oil on canvas, 152 x 115 cm

Connecting With Creative Flow

TEDx Katoomba

30 June 2023

At TEDx Katoomba I shared images and personal stories, exploring creativity and the nature of artistic flow. I spoke about how my landscapes are imbued with human experiences of joy, hope loss, and longing and in particular, my spiritual encounters in nature.

Corinne speaking at TEDx Katoomba

About Corinne Loxton’s Landscape Paintings

As I walk in the bush each day, with senses wide open, receptive to the wisdom of trees, the call of the rocks and the wind’s murmuring, I receive deep soul-nourishing. Each happening can stir in me, a recognition of primaeval stories, of people and spirits connected through the familiar pathways, the trees, birds and reptiles.

In my work, you will recognise the expansive skies and vistas of the Blue Mountains as well as hidden jewels, like Glenbrook Lagoon. The images invite you ‘in’, to contemplate both the ethereal beauty and mystery of nature and your interior world. Reflections on glassy water, windswept clouds, rising mist or stands of trees; all ground us in the present while evoking the untamed and sacred spirit of place.

About Corinne Loxton’s Painting Process

My paintings are inspired by many hours spent wandering and paying attention to nature - the colours, textures, light and shadow of my local landscape in the Blue Mountains and other places I visit. Not simply an empirical study of nature’s phenomena, my paintings evoke nature’s processes of transformation and renewal, embodying complex narratives of life - the balance and paradox of pain and pleasure, love and loss.

I experience mountains as places of intimate spiritual communion. They lift me, casting my gaze above and beyond, to contemplate an ‘other’ reality; one that transcends and simultaneously inhabits me. Labyrinth-like the Blue Mountains invite me to delve into the valleys to discover its secrets while transporting me into mystical places.

For the past 30 years, I have painted ethereal and powerful skies and landscapes. As well as working in my Blue Mountains studio, I work directly from nature, in many locations around Australia and overseas. My technique varies considerably, depending on whether I am painting ‘alla prima’ en plein air or in the studio. The smaller works made outdoors are created with an immediacy and spontaneity necessitated by working directly from the subject, to capture the ever-changing effects of light and colour. In contrast, the studio paintings that still reflect my preoccupation with beauty and sense of wonder at the majesty of nature, are developed using many layers of transparent paint to build the complexity of colour and feeling in each work.

Corinne Loxton’s Background

Growing up at the foot of Table Mountain in Cape Town, South Africa and spending many childhood hours on or around water, sea-top cliffs and mountains, I identified with nature from a young age. In the tradition of the Northern Romantics, I have always regarded my landscape paintings as reflections of human emotions, of experiences imbued with spiritual and emotional significance.

The Loxton family migrated to Australia in the late 80s and at 15, I found myself thrust into a culture and environment that felt alien and uncomfortable. Once I completed school in Brisbane, I eagerly took up a Bachelor of Visual Arts at the Canberra School of Arts, ANU. Here I was able to further my interest in both painting and printmaking under the tutelage of fine contemporary artists and teachers, such as Mandy Martin, Robert Boynes and Ruth Waller.

See Full Profile


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