Collections of Paintings

Plein air and Studio Landscape Paintings

These paintings depict encounters in nature and experiences of connection with place and land. Amid a largely urbanised world, rapid transportation and global communication, these paintings invite the viewer to slow down, breathe deeply and apprehend beauty.

About Corinne’s Paintings

Corinne Loxton’s recent paintings have been inspired by many hours spent drawing and painting in the Blue Mountains, the Central Desert, the Warrumbungles and the South coast. Not simply an empirical study of nature’s phenomena, her paintings evoke nature’s processes of transformation and renewal, embodying complex narratives of life - the balance and paradox of pain and pleasure, love and loss.

Corinne writes, “I experience mountains as places of intimate spiritual communion. They literally lift me up, casting my gaze above and beyond, to contemplate an ‘other’ reality, one that transcends and simultaneously inhabits me. Labyrinth-like the Blue Mountains invite me to delve down into the valleys to discover its secrets while transporting me into mystical places.”

For the past 25 years, Corinne has been painting ethereal land and skyscapes. As well as working in her Blue Mountains studio, Corinne has worked directly from nature, in many locations around Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Corinne’s technique varies considerably, depending on whether she is painting ‘al la prima’ en plein air or in the studio. The smaller works created outdoors are created with an immediacy and spontaneity necessitated by working directly from the subject, to capture the ever-changing effects of light and colour. In contrast, the studio paintings that still reflect Corinne’s preoccupation with beauty and her sense of wonder at the majesty of nature, are developed using many layers of transparent colour to develop the complexity of colour and feeling in each work.

Recently Corinne has made a series of paintings about the Huskisson and Glenbrook Lagoons. She writes, “The lagoons settle my wandering spirit, offering a space for connection and repose. They are places of tranquillity and transition - shifting sands, soft muddy banks, spiky reeds and fossicking water birds. Lagoons are home to an abundance of creatures, often small and inconspicuous, yet essential to the intricate web of life. The sweep of water and sky invite us to drift and float, while the trees ground us, both connecting us to the steady pulse of our own heart and the rhythm of our breath.”