Thank you for companioning me over the past few months, through challenges and into new territory… join me now to Find Your Creative Flow
Read MorePresenting my TEDx Talk at Stella Downer Fine Art
Come and hear me share how I connect with creative flow and my journey through a difficult few years when I couldn’t paint at all.
Read MoreConnecting with Creative Flow - Watch my TEDx now!
I’m super excited that my TEDx talk, Connecting with Creative Flow, is now live! Check it out on Youtube.
Read MoreAutumn Abundance
If you are feeling inspired this Autumn, to be creative or to explore grounding in nature as the leaves turn gold and fiery red, then I invite you to enrol in a workshop with me.
Read MoreEvoking the Elements - A Feast of Music and Art
I am excited to work with the esteemed concert pianist, Elyane Laussade, to create a unique and wonderful experience of music and art for audiences in both Sydney and Melbourne.
Read MoreInto & Beyond - Creating From Within and Without
I’m excited to invite you to see the new paintings from the Warrumbungles and the studio. Come and hear about the personally challenging, wonderful and mysterious process of creating them.
Read MoreWhat a Wonderful Occasion!
Thank you so so much!
Saturday was such a special day for me... I will remember it for a long time to come.
The opening drinks at Rex-Livingston Art & Objects, were fantastic and the jazz shindig afterwards was just divine! Thanks to Kate Wadey and Arthur Washington, who played, and to all of you for dancing, grooving along and generally having a good time.
The auction of the painting was enormous fun, bringing out the bidding spirit in many of you! Garry and Tanya were the eventual winners, but special mention also needs to go to Steve and Sam, who fought to the end.
Thanks for your generosity everyone!
Together we raised over $1000 to send to Aussie Farmers who are drought affected.
I hope you also managed to pop your head into my studio between courses?
If you used all your cash on the auction, but would still like to purchase some of my 2019 wall calendars and greeting cards featuring my ‘Lagoon Landscape’ paintings, you can do that online and I'll pop them in the mail to you directly.
And finally, if you want to visit the exhibition before it closes, it's up till the 26th November. I will be at the gallery this Saturday, 17th Nov, between 11am and 2pm, so come in and see the paintings and me!
Drop me a line if you want to, I always love hearing from you.
Join Me to 'Capture the Spirit of Landscape'
My last workshop for the year is happening next month, 24 & 25 November. ‘Capturing the Spirit of Place’ will be a wonderful opportunity for you to learn new skills, meet like-minded people and have fun.
Read MoreLagoon Landscapes - New Exhibition
A year’s work culminates in this new exhibition. I’d love you to come and see these paintings of Glenbrook and Huskisson Lagoons.
Read MoreSetting Goals
Goals can set us up for success or failure. What about goals that are about working without goals and making mistakes?
Read MoreIn an Elemental Whirlwind!
I'm on a high after exhibiting with the amazingly talented pianist, Elyane Laussade in Elemental Elegance!
Read MoreNine Year Old Wisdom
I felt tenderness tighten my chest, vulnerability quickened my breath. Had I deserted my daughter who was now pining and alone without me?
Read More
A new year and a new body of work… following a compass into to the unknown