A Synergy of Music and Paintings

I am excited to be writing while interpreting the wonderful music of great composers such as Debussy, Ravel, Liszt and Chopin in paint. A challenging project, given that I have no formal musical education, yet as I listen, my spirit soars! Each piece evokes an element - earth, air, fire or water and my mind fills with images and experiences of nature.

This project came about because of a serendipitous meeting with Melbourne concert pianist, Elyane Laussade, in 2015. I happened to be standing amidst my work at Art2Muse gallery in Double Bay in Sydney, when she walked in, exclaiming her delight at my skies. She then related how that morning she had watched a beautiful array of clouds over the harbour and had wished she knew someone who could capture the moment on canvas. We instantly struck up an understanding, each recognising in the other a love of nature and the creative process. When she then suggested that we work together, I readily agreed.

So here I am now, preparing for our second collaboration - a concert series in which Elyane will play a program of Romantic, Impressionistic and Early Modern compositions accompanied by projections and an installation of my paintings.

As part of my preparation I have studied the composers’ intent for each piece, sought to understand the historical context within which they worked and listened to multiple versions with distinct tempos and stylistic interpretations. It has been a little head work and a lot of heart work. Mostly I have deepened my awareness to notice what each composition stirs in me and respond to that.

You can view the completed paintings here and if you are inclined to attend one of the three concerts in Melbourne in October, you can purchase tickets here. In true Elyane-form, a sumptuous meal compliments each concert and is included in the ticket price ($67-$85). The venue is the Laussade Studio in Doncaster East, an intimate space that seats only 50 guests, so we anticipate the concert will sell out.

If this sounds like your cup of tea, or glass of bubbly, I encourage you not to hesitate, and book today.

In addition to this work, I am preparing to teach several workshops, each designed to equip participants with skills to make the most of the Capertee Plein air Painting Retreat on the October long weekend.

The first, The Art of Composition, on 30 June, is a full-day workshop, suitable for beginners to advanced in any medium. I will teach, step by step, how to put together the essential elements of a picture so that its structure is both invisible and essential to the overall aesthetic and conceptual appeal of the picture. You can book in here. If you are a returning workshop participant, please apply the discount code IAMHOOKED!