Autumn Abundance

As I write an extraordinary eclipse is occurring in the skies above us. Unfortunately, it is overcast and drizzling here, so we are missing the fantastic sight of the sun's ring of fire and the wonder of the moon's shadow passing over us. While this is a cosmic event on a grand scale, I am nevertheless reminded that the earth offers us marvels every day, often on an intimate scale - if only we pause to notice them. 

Autumn has settled into the Blue Mountains and as I walk each day I notice changes in the colour and texture of the trees - bark glowing fresh below stripping outer layers, bright tips on branches, seeds and nuts scattering. The breeze has a cool edge and the soil springy dampness where before the heat reigned.

Christine Valters Paintner writes this about Autumn,
"At the heart of autumn’s gifts are these twin energies of relinquishing and harvesting. It is a season of paradox that invites us to consider what we are called to release and surrender, and at the same time, it invites us to gather in the harvest... In holding these two in tension we are reminded that in our letting go we also find abundance."

These words certainly ring true for me. Over the past year, as I have released pain, anger and grief, surrendering some of my expectations and dreams, I have experienced a deepening of serenity. Where before I felt fearful and distressed, by letting go of what I needed to relinquish, my life has filled with joy, abundance, peace and gratitude.

Part of my experience of abundance is the opportunity to exhibit in Sydney in July at Stella Downer Fine Art

I have known Stella for over 20 years. She has powered on as a respected art dealer, consultant and valuer despite recessions, the advent of global online galleries and the pandemic. Her gallery in Waterloo is a haven for artists and art lovers, showcasing the works of many established and emerging Australian artists. Stella has worked with leading contemporary galleries for over thirty years. She was the manager in Sydney of Roslyn Oxley 9 Gallery, Macquarie Galleries and Australian Galleries before opening her gallery in 2001, where I will be exhibiting.

It feels like such a privilege to have a solo show at Stella Downer Fine Art and I hope you will come along to support me in this endeavour. Please save the afternoon of 1st July, 3 - 5 pm for the opening celebration. I will continue to keep you in the loop about this as I complete the final works for the exhibition.

Finally, if you are feeling inspired this Autumn, to be creative or to explore grounding in nature as the leaves turn gold and fiery red, then I invite you to enrol in a workshop with me. I relish sharing my love of painting, nature, dance and all things creative with others and I'd love you to join me! The next Fabulous Friday Paint & Sip, on 28 April, is painting a Dramatic Landscape and there are a couple of spots still free. The Mother's Day workshop on the 30th is also a wonderful opportunity to be creative and celebrate motherhood together. After that, I am facilitating a two-day workshop on grounding into creative flow. This promises to be a weekend of heart-opening discovery and creative expression! Feel free to contact me if this piques your interest and you'd like to know more.

I look forward to seeing you and please stay in touch.

Corinne Loxton

Corinne Loxton is an Australian artist who paints oil paintings that evoke the landscapes and atmospheric skies she experiences.

Creative Practices and Finding Flow


Evoking the Elements - A Feast of Music and Art